Huygens - tradução para francês
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Huygens - tradução para francês


Huygens, family name; Christian Huygens (1629-95), Dutch mathematician physicist and astronomer
Christian Huygens         
Christian Huygens (1629-1695), Dutch mathematician physicist and astronomer


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Huygens (also Huijgens, Huigens, Huijgen/Huygen, or Huigen) is a Dutch patronymic surname, meaning "son of Hugo". Most references to "Huygens" are to the polymath Christiaan Huygens. Notable people with the surname include:

  • Jan Huygen (1563–1611), Dutch voyager and historian
  • Constantijn Huygens (1596–1687), Dutch poet, diplomat, scholar and composer
  • Constantijn Huygens, Jr. (1628–1697), Dutch statesman, soldier, and telescope maker, son of Constantijn Huygens
  • Christiaan Huygens (1629–1695), Dutch mathematician, physicist and astronomer, son of Constantijn Huygens
  • Lodewijck Huygens (1631–1699), Dutch diplomat, the third son of Constantijn Huygens
  • Cornélie Huygens (1848–1902), Dutch writer, social democrat and feminist
  • Léon Huygens (1876–1918), Belgian painter
  • Jan Huijgen (1888–1964), Dutch speedwalker
  • Christiaan Huijgens (1897–1963), Dutch long-distance runner
  • Wil Huygen (1922–2009), Dutch children's and fantasy writer, e.g. of Gnomes
Exemplos de pronúncia para Huygens
1. actually the Huygens probe landed on Titan
Science & Technology to Explore the Seas of Titan _ Talks at Google
2. It wasn't till Huygens had two things:
3. did experiments, and finally Christiaan Huygens
The Big Picture _ Sean Carroll _ Talks at Google
4. And the landing component of the Cassini Huygens mission,
Science & Technology to Explore the Seas of Titan _ Talks at Google
5. And that is what the Huygens probe landed in.
Exemplos do corpo de texto para Huygens
1. Huygens pose ses inflexions existentialistes sur un répertoire de splendeurs tragiques.
2. Huygens (chant, guitare), The Red Room a été écrit dans une pi';ce de quelques m';tres carrés.
3. Surtout lorsqu‘on ne peut męme pas récupérer les bandes originales de son travail!» conc';de Huygens, amer.
4. Huygens au bout du combiné. Si le virage est sec, les partitions des Bruxellois n‘en restent pas moins anguleuses et hantées.
5. Huygens dit traquer «l‘indicible». En quęte, telle une éponge de créativité, de «tout ce qui s‘oppose au quotidien». Autant de réflexions sur l‘incertitude que charrie une étonnante puissance mélodique aux airs ŕ la fois contemplatifs et carbonisés.